
contents of cocaine in waste containers to create new laut.modus police swizzle

Belgian waters police discovered a package of cocaine with a value of 32 million pounds, or approximately USD 633 billion floating offshore itu.polisi attractive country in 16 containers that drop into the sea by a smuggler beginning ini.Harian week Het Nieuws-blad preach 16th containers of cocaine was found in the North Sea, 15 minutes from the town ostend.Menjatuhkan containers of cocaine into the sea, and then headed to the port and then back again to the sea to take again the container it is a way that is often used by smugglers to avoid police checks. This method is used because it did not require two or more vessels that meet the sea, making detection more difficult in security. "More and more drug traffickers use this way and this phenomenon is increasing," said a Belgian judge, Ken Witkas.Mantan French customs officials Marc Fievet is a former French customs agent who was very understanding penyelundupa method. this kind. "This method is usually the first time in use of the drug traffickers origin inggris.Mereka sometimes leaving someone in the middle of the sea with Special apparel and beacon to collect the goods," said Fievet. "Now maybe they use beacon lights are the same as those used to search for the lobster fishermen them," added Fievet.

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